
Zimbra Foss Downloads Page (from Maldua)

These stable releases below are the latest releases that were made public in Maldua’s Zimbra FOSS Builds - Share your feedback - Zimbra Forums thread and after 15 days of being public there has not been any major negative feedback.

You can find recent/testing, experimental/beta in addition to older releases at Advanced Downloads.

10.1.3 (10.1.x Stable)

Centos icon CentOS 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Centos icon CentOS 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 9 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Rocky icon Rocky Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Rocky icon Rocky Linux 9 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 18.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 20.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 22.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info

10.0.11 (10.0.x Stable)

Centos icon CentOS 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Centos icon CentOS 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Rocky icon Rocky Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 18.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 20.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info

9.0.0.p42 (9.0.0.pXX Stable)

Centos icon CentOS 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Centos icon CentOS 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Oracle icon Oracle Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
RedHat icon Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Rocky icon Rocky Linux 8 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 18.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info
Ubuntu icon Ubuntu 20.04 64bit x86 (MD5) (SHA256) +Info

These stable releases below are the latest releases that were made public in Maldua’s Zimbra FOSS Builds - Share your feedback - Zimbra Forums thread and after 15 days of being public there has not been any major negative feedback.

You can find recent/testing, experimental/beta in addition to older releases at Advanced Downloads.